Thursday, October 31, 2013

I canz have blog?

Oh hai.

So I've kinda not posted here in a few MONTHS. And my 30th birthday certainly has come and gone.

Meh. What cha gonna do. I did write a 30x30 wrap-up post, actually, and then just never got around to posting it. Why? I guess I just didn't care about the list anymore.

Let me qualify that a bit. I care a lot about my life and things I do with it and the people in it. I hope that it obvious. And those who have seen me IRL over the past 6 or so months have seen the amazing changes that have taken place. I've connected with people and done some stuff that is pretty damn cool. And really, I was so wrapped up in living it, writing about it didn't seem like a priority.

A quick sum up, for those interested:

  • I'm currently working at University of Toronto Press in the Journals division and my job is, by and large, pretty great. I'm working on some very rad projects, organizing events, seeing some interesting progress in the field, and working alongside some very talented people. The commute sucks, but hey, I'll take it. It is a maternity leave so I am good to go until the spring, when job-hunt 2014 will gear up. Stay tuned for that. 
  • I've moved in my boyfriend. Crazy, right? In the last 10 months I met, fell in love with, and starting building a life with a whole other human. He is pretty much the best, as those who have met him can attest. Zero complaints on the home front. 
Cue: awwww
  • I sure didn't finish all of my goals. Not even close. But I don't see the project as a failure, not even a little. I see the success in how I examined my life, decided where I wanted things to change and how, and then started to do it. I realize now that this is not a process that can encompass one year. Or two, or five, or anything. It needs to be something that is lived on the daily. What I loved the MOST about my list wasn't necessarily checking things off (okay - I really really REALLY liked that part, but it still wasn't my favourite). I loved waking up each morning wondering how I was going to incorporate something new, or work on something. That part was really cool and changed how I lived in the moment-to-moment living of life. And that is the part I want more of now. 
I cut off and donated my hair - 13" to Angel Hair for Kids!
So that, in short, is why are you aren't going to get a sum up of what I finished and what I didn't; it doesn't matter. What matters is the impact the project had on me and how that is going to continue to affect my life. 

Which leads me to my next little tidbit of news: I'm planning a new blog. Not the same as this one, but a continuation of it. The premise? I'm so glad you asked!
I want to take my favourite parts of my 30x30 and expand on them; get more of them coming my way. My favourite parts were:
  • Learning/trying new things
  • Changing things about my life I didn't like
  • Meeting/interacting with new people or people I already knew but more frequently. 
That last point is key. Because this time, I'm turning my projects over to others. Here is the plan:

I will make a list of things/areas in life that I want to explore/improve/try new things in. It will be broad, vague, and open to interpretation. 

Then, I will make a list of people I know (well, not so well, not at all) and send them a proposition: Given your skills and my goals - offer me a challenge. It must be something measurable, obtainable, and within reason, but a challenge. 

I can promise I will try them all. I won't promise to be successful 100% of the time, but if I learned anything this past year - that is just how life works. 

I like this because I feel like it allows me to build on what I started with the 30x30 list. I have a strong foundation regarding where my interests are and what is important to me, as well as a year of experience in knowing what I will and will not do and why. That is pretty great starting point. 

Once the new blog site launches (the goal is January 2014) I will post the link here. If you're interested in being involved somehow, feel free to get in touch. I'm still mulling over all the lists so I'm very open to suggestions. 

That's all from me for awhile! Thanks to all who followed and read and commented and cared - it meant a lot to me. I can't wait to start anew!