Friday, February 22, 2013

#14 - the surprise party

This post is a little late, but here it is all the same.

A good portion of my close friends are turning 30 this year just like me (funny how that works, eh?) so I was a little nervous when I decided I wanted to throw a surprise party for someone. I mean 30 is a biggie and that is a lot of responsibility! So my original plan was to bow out of the 30th birthdays all together and throw a party for someone else who was having a less exciting birthday.

But then the year progressed and one of my best friends got engaged, our friendship continued to grow and evolve, and I realized that I wanted to show her how much I love her, so I dove in to the 30th birthday planning INSANITY.

Truth be told, I couldn't have picked a better person to throw a party for. I know Sarah well enough to know that what she would want in a party is good food and her friends and family all together; Boom - Potluck. I got my bossypants on and told everyone where to go, what to bring, and NOT TO BE LATE and things were pretty much done! Sarah's mom was a huge help with planning and cooking and baking and I loved that her and I got to talk on the reg about how much we loved her daughter.

So Sunday was the big day! Sarah's man-friend was responsible for getting her to the destination (and he did a miraculously good job of taking the "why don't I have a party planned" heat as well) and he preformed admirably. All the guests hid and the lights were out when our birthday girl came in and then...LONG AWKWARD PAUSE...."Surprise!"


For me the joy of planning a surprise party wasn't in the party itself; I knew that the party would be a success so long as the people she wanted there were present. I found joy in collecting all the people that my friend loved into one place, in spending the weeks leading up to her party thinking about what she would like, how she would react, and how much I friggin adore her. It was the thought behind the party that made it so much fun to plan. I had a moment after she had arrived and everything on my end was "done" where I actually though "Oh - there gets to be a party now!" haha

I also really enjoyed getting to toast my friend on her (almost) 30th birthday. I have known Sarah since we were 15, which means that in turning 30 we are entering a phase of life where we have known one other for longer than we haven't know one another. There is no one I have cried more with, laughed more with, done stupid-ass stuff with than her. She has seen me at my absolute WORST, which makes having her present for this awesome phase of my life all the more special. Without a doubt I would not be the person I am today without having had her friendship, and I am so grateful for her.

So, this was a pretty awesome and meaningful goal for me to cross off. And I love that such a good friend played an integral role in helping me do that.


Dinner was delicious - Thanks everyone!

Birthday girl opens some gifts

Wine and chatting - it was a great night!

Next post- The Dinner Party!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


I know many, MANY young professionals who also maintain blogs and ladies (yeah, you're all ladies) - how do you do it? Between working full time hours, volunteer commitments, part time job, and having a social life, I have had NO time for my dear little blog as of late. So sad! I like it here so much.

Anyway, this is mostly the update to tell you that the real update is coming. This weekend was incredibly productive, not to mention FUN! I went to a party, threw a party, and hosted a party; amazing much?! Anyway, I want to properly post about what has been happening with me lately, with photos, so you will have have to wait ONE MORE day. I'm going to draft up a post tomorrow and hopefully have it up by dinner time.

This is just to say that I haven't forgotten about you, dearest blog. I miss you the most and think about you lots. I just need to do other things right now. Like...sleep. xxoo

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Hey friends. Sorry for the lack of bloggtastic updates; life kind of got really crazy all at once. With what, you ask?

  • Social fun - my dance card has been FULL. I am not complaining at all. I love my friends and getting to see more of them with higher frequency is a blessing. I just need to explain that to my laundry *glances at overflowing hamper*
  • Professional Development - that's right, I'm getting out there and learning! I have done two weeks of workshops with Ladies Learning Code. They are great, albeit very introductory classes, which I found I had actually self-taught myself all the material already. But, I still had access to some VERY smart, creative people who worked with me and helped me improve my (not so mad) skillz. I've also had lots of fun book events this month, and more approaching!
  • Personal ups and downs - As I'm sure you are aware if you have me on any social media platform, I found out last week that my apartment is being swallowed up by my landlords and spat back out as a single family home. I was given until May 1st to move, which is LOTS of time, but still - apartment hunting is stressful, especially in Toronto. And I was just starting to get into the home-vibe of this place. Ah well. Such is life! I found a new place thanks to an AMAZING friend, and I am really pumped to RESTART creating a home there. I know I say that with sarcasm, but in truth, I am excited to start there. The home reminds me a lot of my grandmother's house in some ways, and my parents house in others. It has a great "home" vibe to it. Plus, I will get to paint it to my own specifications and settle in with grown up furniture and all that. Woot. I just have to move. That was the 'down'. On the 'up' side of things, I am disgustingly happy these days. It is kind of nice. 
  • Heatlh ickies - just when I thought I was able to start running again, I had a flare up of an old health issue. Nothing major, but definitely want to keep on eye on it. I think I may seriously consider some lighter, less cardio-activity in the interim. I have always loved yoga, so I may just start going more regularly. I also want to make sure that I am well for rock climbing next month. Just something else on my plate though. 
  • 30x30 goals - no no, I haven't forgotten about all these things. I have totally dropped like, ALL the balls though. I need to step it up, but in order to do that, I need a whole weekend to myself, with NO distractions. So March. I am going to get shit together in March? Ugh. I am still doing stuff though - reading family books, planning from-scratch month, NEED THAT SEWING MACHINE! The knitting project is on the way (I have half a mind to say "screw it" and count my scarf as the thing I can wear.) And I am going to a poetry reading next week, so that will be something. Slowly slowly! 
That is all. I am exhauta-tired and not going to post any pictures tonight. To make up for this, I will do a picture post at the end of the week of all kinds of fun things. 

One last thing: Should I buy a TV? I'm undecided. Advice would be appreciated.