Thursday, January 10, 2013

Hey friends!!

How are you?

Things here are great! I went to a wonderful little launch party last night for one of my all time favourite authors (Andrew Kaufman. Go out and buy/read his books NOW). It was nice to be doing something social and I got to see loads of people who I haven't seen in ages. I think the last publishing "event" I went to was the Giller Light - that was AGES ago! I definitely need to make more of an effort to go to things. There are a couple more coming up, so off a-socializing I will go!

Interning continues to be great. I went out after work with some of the peeps I work with to the launch and it was great to be out of the office and socializing with them. (I also know that at least one of them reads this it is weird to be writing about it, but guess what - I'M GONNA!)

I also received an email with reading to do before my NEXT internship this fall which is kind of awesome. I'm gonna be MAKING books, guys. Like...MAKING them. It does not get more rad than that, and I am in a constant state of dork-out.

As jazzed as I am for fall-internship, I am kind of sad that I will be missing out on all the stuff that will be happening during that time in Toronto. Fall is huge for books and there will be launches all the time, and IFOA, and my friend will be launching her sexy-author-calendar. I can't miss all that!! But I will. (I may squirrel away some of the money I get from the internship and fly back to Toronto for IFOA and my friend's launch...that seems reasonable).

Then there is the fact that I will be turning 30 at home, with my parents. I know it is petty and trivial, but I really want to be in Toronto for my 30th, or in Vancouver with my birthday-bestie. I love my friends in NS, but because everyone is spread out it will be a logistical nightmare. Ah well. Count my blessings - right?!

One unexpected blessing - my hair is getting super long! Check it:

I'm not sure why I chose "overly concerned about hair length" for this photo-face. 

I'm excited to cut it all off eventually, but for now, I'm really digging having it long. Mostly so I can make hair-beards, like this:

This is what 29 looks like, kids. 

Lastly - I saw this today. A young couple doing 365 new things in 365 days! They have done all sorts of neat stuff and are almost done their project - go check them out! I TOTALLY want to copy next year!

**if you are about to accuse me for putting in dumb-ass photos to distract how  I haven't uploaded real photos in awhile, you can save it. You're right. I tried to make up for it with hair-beard, which will now exist FOREVER on the internet. Cut me some slack. **

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