Sunday, January 6, 2013

The List - a check in

1. Run 5k - I have the go-ahead to start running again! I am both excited to start again (it feels great) and NOT excited (it is REALLY gross out). This is where I have to admit to not really liking winter much. I just hate being cold! So much! Buuuuuut I will brave the winter. 
Do 1 month COMPLETELY vegan
3. Quit My job
4. No Alcohol for the year - Going strong. I didn't have any drinks over the holidays, even though dad's scotch was pretty tempting. I floated the idea of having 1 celebratory drink with my family over my internship, and I was kind of offended by their response. They were NOT into the idea. My mom is not a drinker and I think she is over the moon that I have decided to give up alcohol for the year, and she made me feel...wrong and bad for even suggesting it. It was really upsetting. Obviously I want to stick to my goal, but I also think that if I were going to make an exception, this was a damn good reason. It wasn't like I was all drooling over having a drink or NEEDED to have one; I just thought it would be a really special way to mark something big, with my family. It definitely gave me a lot to think about in terms of how people are perceiving this "no alcohol" thing. Who knew it would be so complicated. 
5. Learn to knit and make something I can wear Well the scarf is done and the author-knitting project is on hold while I wait for the pattern/materials. I am working on a baby blanket right now for a friend though, and a hat (which is worked flat). My big goal is to learn to knit in the round. I may need to hit up my knitting friends to show me the ropes!
6. Make a quilt -  I have the Sew Machine fund in my hands, but I haven't gone to get it yet. I am just SO busy so I'm going to hold off for a couple weeks. But I have a plan! I guess next up is gathering fabic. 
7. Volunteer for a particular charity/organization (more to come) - Right. This one. Eep. 
8. Turn my apartment into a home (ie - put up shelves)  - Working on this. It is kind of on hold though, since I don't know how much longer I will be in this apartment. I am LIKELY going to be spending a few months in NS around the end of the summer, so I don't know if I will be able to sublet the apartment during that time. I don't want to sink money into a place that I'm not going to stay in, ya know. 
9. Have a Yard Sale - Spring. I'm starting to collect things for it though. 
10. Go to Vancouver - UGH. WHEN!?! 
11. Print 20 photos every month - make an album - full disclosure: I am failing at this one. I haven't print any since the first ones - TERRIBLE!!! I will make a point of going this weekend though. I have all the Christmas photos and I want to print those asap, so that is a great excuse. 
12. Host a dinner party - cook it all yourself! No news
13. Travel to Chicago - No Idea. I would love for someone to come EH!?
14. Throw someone a surprise party - Nice try...
15. Make cards for all friends/family birthdays and anniversaries - I'm doing OKAY. I definitely missed a few in December (all of them in December) but in my defence I was working a LOT and having daily panic attacks. I fully intend on getting right back to it in January though!
16. Mail one personal, hand-written letter per month - Again - failing. Need to figure this out...
17. Donate my Hair - In the spring
18. Go to the dentist -  Not yet. 
19. Start a retirement fund  - I should make that appointment...
20. Read 1 book, watch 1 movie, and buy 1 album recommended by of each of my family members -  Bought all the books except one and I'm looking at them. Right now I'm reading the Canada Reads finalists, so that is taking up my time, but these one are next!
21. Journal for the whole year - either on the blog or on paper - Blogging less, but I am hoping to make it more of a daily habit. 
22. Try rock climbing again - buy a 10x pass and use it up within a month - I was going to do January as my rock climbing month, but now I'm unemployed so maybe I should wait until February and save up for it a bit...
23. Take myself on a birthday "date" on or close to the 8th of every month - reflect on how things are going with the list/in life/etc. Nope. 
24. Go to each of the following: a poetry reading; a book event (non work related) ; a concert - all by myself Just need that poetry reading! 
25. Try some kind of kickboxing/ass whooping class. - This is scheduled for sometime in the spring. 
26. Call each of my sisters for a sit-down conversation once a month (I have a lot of sisters so this will take up most of my Sundays) _ I am talking to them more, but it is hard since they are busy people too. Seeing them over Christmas was great!
27. Sign up (and go) to a beginners art class  - I need to schedule that book binding workshop...January is ACTUALLY almost fully booked. WTF
28. Travel to Boston - Who knows!
29. Get a credit card (shocking I don't have one, right?) Still waiting. 
30. Become a member at the AGO, MOCCA andROM 


  1. I think you interpreted my response to the celebratory drink the wrong way. I just wanted you to be able to finish the year and be able to say "I did it!" not I did it but... That's all. Nothing to do with drinking. just think it's important you meet your goal.

    also, did I give you my book choice?

    1. I was more upset by mom's response. She really has framed this decision as I "can't" have alcohol, when I can, and the only reason I'm not is because I decided to abstain for the year. For me it is the same as my being vegetarian - I *can* eat meat, and when I have she has never expressed any concern over it, so why now? It really reveals how she regards the whole thing, and I think she is off the mark. I got where you were coming from.

      You said Prisoner of Azkaban, right?
