Sunday, November 4, 2012

Screw You, Santa!

You heard me! I'm tired of waiting for my sewing machine that won't arrive until Christmas because that fat bastard refuses to break with tradition and give it to me now. I'm going to start quilting, damn it!

But Carrie, won't that be kind of hard without a means to actually...construct the quilt?*

Not as hard as you might think! See, an integral part of quilting is the collection and preparation of material. Two of my sisters have made quilts and they both used kits, where the material is all selected to be all colour complementary, and comes ready to cut according to your pattern. I considered following suit since I have no clue what I'm doing and a kit has a certain pre-planned appeal. But I thought that would kind of suck the fun out of the project.

So no quilt kit** for me! I've decided to decide on a colour theme and then start buying things at Value Village and other consignment shops that may work together. I like the idea of using my own clothes/materials for it, but I am not sure what I have on hand...I will have to look.

As inspiration I am using the two quilts in my life right now.

The one on the left was handmade for my parents as a wedding gift. It is totally hideous, both in colour (so much pink) and design (the giant star just doesn't do it for me). Yet I have it proudly displayed in my apartment because it is so boldly ugly and because it carries so much sentimental value for me.

The one on the right was my grandmother's quilt and is also handmade. My grandmother is an adorable 96 year old lady and I love her dearly. I have so many memories of summers at her cottage, sleepovers at her house and endless delicious meals. She has many of these quilts, which were made years ago by her friends. My sisters and I each have one, as does our mother, and it is such a lovely reminder of family. Plus it's super cozy.

So my goal will be to create something that can proudly sit next to these two masterpieces someday.

* should I be concerned about blogging in the third person?
**I accidentally wrote "kilt" instead of quilt kit about 40 times in this post 

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