Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Oh Hai

It's me again. You all knew I would be back.

And as promised, I come bearing gifts! Well, photos. Of...stuff. Just hold on a sec and we will get there.

So I had a long-ass day, but a very nice one. Work was non-sucky. But then I had to stay late and missed a knitting date with friends. Cry! I made up for it by taking myself out for coffee hot apple cider and knitting in Starbucks for awhile while listening to novelty rap. Yup. That girl.

Anyway, I ended up having a really great night. I got to sit down and chat a bit about my 30x30 goals (among other things) with someone and it lit a proverbial fire under my ass to look at the list and get SOMETHING done.

So I got home and looked, and then did! I decided to take a crack at the "make my apartment a home" goal, which meant making a list of projects. Here is what I came up with:

 An impressive list, no? I think that most of them are doable - I need to get the sewing machine for the curtains (hear that, Santa?!) so that is an easy one to tick off when the time comes. I am working away on the kitchen dry goods (my cupboards look so pretty on the inside!) The closet organization may be tricky, but I have high hopes for doing some shelving. Anyway, there are some places I need help! Such as:

Check out how HUGE that wall is. It goes from the dining room and into the living room and is just this gigantic expanse of wall. I need to do something with it. Thoughts? Help? Ideas? All suggestions are welcome! (As are suggestions with what to do with the dining room in general - you will notice I am at a bit of a loss). 

That space on top of the fridge - what can I put up there? Right now it is just...junk/nothing special; cereal, garlic, some random stuff. I want to use that space. 

This is the wall that the dream built-in shelving would go. How gorgeous would that be, right? Need to evaluate a few things first (how long I am going to be here, how much it will be, etc.)

Right! So I moved my bed under the skylight (it had been under the light fixture on that wall before) and now there is SO MUCH ROOM! Like, to the point that I have no idea what to do with it all. So get a rug, a nice chair (rocking chair?!) and some shelving/a table and have a little reading space. 

One of the closets that needs something to happen in it. Ideas? 

Seriously - help! Please! 

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