Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Cue Sad Trombone

The interview didn't turn into a job. Sad face.

I am not going to sit here and say I'm not disappointed (I am) but I'm really okay with it. This was a last minute application that I sent in on the closing date last Wednesday, so it has barely been on my radar for a week. Also, the "plan" is to really go for something that starts in the new year. I want to give my employers notice, let them know that I'm looking and give them time to prepare for my departure. Also I need to save up the money. So this is really okay.

Yet as okay as I am with this, it does make me wonder. This is the third interview that I have had for an internship. I have received very positive feedback on my resume and experience. So I can't help but wonder if it is me.

I don't mean that in a self-depraved "I suck soooo much" kinda way. More in that I have never had to interview professionally before. Ever. And I'm probably not very good at it. I don't think that I go in and say the wrong things, more that I go in and miss opportunities to say the best things. I don't really sell myself. I am positive and honest, enthusiastic and open, but I don't really use every chance to state why I am the best candidate.

So I'm going to look into speaking with an employment officer or something; someone who can couch me on my interviewing skills and offer constructive feedback.

Why? (other than the obvious)

I got in touch with my faaaaavourite press. Yes, the same one I got in touch with for review copies of books to review. I asked them about internship opportunities and they said there will be one coming up this January. Hello perfect. They are expecting my resume later this fall.

So I need to nail that interview. I need to be a champion interviewee by December.

Have any of you struggled with this? Tips are welcome!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about the internship, what a disappointment!

    As an interviewee, I would say you will have many interviews before you get a job offer - I think that's just the name of the game. I too am a pro at getting interviews, but I haven't had dozens of job offers to go with it.

    As an interviewer, at the point of the interview I am looking beyond their resume. That's where I try to determine what their personality is like, or how well they communicate, or what they are passionate about. I don't know really have any real tips, except make sure that you are coming through in the interview, and it's not just about your resume.

    Good luck!
