Tuesday, September 25, 2012

First month, coming to a close

Hi friends, 

So my first month of 30x30 is nearing its end. While I haven't been able to fully cross anything off my list, I am feeling really good about how things are going so far! 

Best of all is that I am SO much more aware of how I spend my time. And how quickly it can go by. I can't believe that a month has already flown by! I definitely feel like my days are more full. Even if my plans are to come home and knit, or get up an hour early to run, I feel like I'm doing more with the time that I have. 

Where do I want to step it up? I need to get back into the running routine. I had my doctor tell me to scale back and my lazy-brain heard "stop" and I did. 

Also, the cards and letters. I need to be aware of these ones and plan into my days and weeks time to make and send them. I didn't send out two birthday cards in September but my plan is that as these happened before the start of the project, I will get them next year. Lame? Maybe, but I'm okay with it. Keeping the goals of the project in mind when I make that decision. 

Regarding the photos - I am printing them this weekend. Saying that (writing that?) has made me realize that I need to start taking photos that I will want to print. I take a LOT of photos, but not many that I necessarily want to keep. So I need to start doing more of that. I want the photo thing to evolve into me taking photos or more meaningful things - people I care about and the times that we spend together. Not just 20 random photos from the month. At the rate that I'm going though there are going to be a lot of pictures of babies with diapers on their heads (they think it is a funny hat...I have to agree). 

As for the quit my job one, there is a plan in place for that. I interviewed yesterday for an internship so we will see if that works out. If not, there is still great stuff happening. First, the woman I interviewed with was really  impressed with my resume, so that is so encouraging. I'm also continuing to work to build it. I have successfully started a book club with other publishing students and we are going to meet near the end of October for the first time. Then I am getting involved with a friend's charitable endeavor (which isn't public yet so I can't talk about it...). I've contacted my favourite publishing house and they are sending me advanced readers copies of up coming and new releases so that I can review them for my blog. I'm also going to expand my work with stellaa.org and do more blogging and outreach to authors for them. I'm trying to get involved in any and all ways that I can and not only build my resume, but get real experience that will make me more marketable. 

Next month is Vegtober! I'm excited to get started on the vegan experiment, though I am going to miss cheese so much! But if October flies by the same way that September did, I won't have a problem! As part of my goodbye-to-cheese, I got Danforth Pizza House the other night. It was INSANE and cheese and soooooo good. But so cheesy that I don't think that I could eat it again for a month again regardless, haha. 

Okay! That's it for now xo

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