Saturday, September 1, 2012

Some Plans and Thoughts (Alternative Title "WTF am I doing!?")

Hi Friends.

So as the start date to the project approaches I am starting to work my head around some kind of plan for getting all these things done. Some are more long-term oriented goals and then require a bit more planning. It is unlikely that without any preparation I will be able to run five kilometers by this time next year, or have knit anything wearable (although my sister has kindly reminded me that a scarf is probably currently within my abilities). So here is what has been done thus far to get my notoriously lazy butt in gear:

  • I emailed my landlords and the dog goal is a no-go. So either I move (boo!) or don't get a dog (boo!). 
  • I have a running program/schedule that I plan on using and am getting myself an actual pair of shoes (current "running shoes" are 3+ year old trail shoes). 
  • I've been practicing my knitting and thankfully it is coming back to me! I'm going to take the half-sarcastic suggestion my sister offered and aim to have needles and yarn bought and a scarf being worn by November to get myself back into the groove. 
  • Buying Stamps this week for cards - wee!
  • Applying like a mad woman for internships as they come up. Don't. Want. To. Nanny. Anymore!
  • Looked into art classes in Toronto and there are some that interest me. Book binding would be cool (that counts, right?) or pottery. Finding something that works with my schedule is going to be the hardest thing - my free time (like most people) is sparse. 
  • Emailed one sister about the project and the movie/book/album item - she is going to get back to me on it. 
Not much but then this certainly isn't going to be race and is much more a marathon-style project. Blogging every day is mostly going to be a matter of creating a habit of it  thus this less-than-interesting follow up post. I'm also trying to imagine how the blogging is going to look. I mean mindless prattle from me about what I am working on isn't going to be that interesting to read about, so I need to figure out some kind of system - long term updates and short term updates? I dunno. 

I mentioned mindless prattle - here is some more of that. 

So in my email exchange with my younger sister she touched on the scope of the project - setting "big" and "long term" goals and the benefit that can arise from working in that framework. It was really satisfying that she immediately got what this was all about - less about checking things off a list and more about having a motivation to DO these things. Will it be upsetting to not finish all 30? Of course? Will I see the project as a failure? Not at all. Already it has created success - it has caused me to spend hours thinking about where my life is, what and who I spend my time on and with, and think about how (and if) I want those things to change. It has forced me to look at my strengths and weaknesses and create a list of things that I know that I want for myself and not a list of "bragging rights" to put on display for others. I'm really excited to get started on all these items because they are all exciting things to me - from going to Boston (AQUARIUM!!!) to getting a credit card (ONLINE SHOPPING!!!! I mean PAYING BILLS!!!). 

Anyhoo. That's it for now. Time for goat cheese and crackers (not vegan yet!)

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